We are intending to run the following targeted practices on a regular basis, depending upon the needs of our affiliated towers and also as a follow-on from the courses we run.   Some of the practices will be held at affiliated towers by arrangement.  Please contact us for more information or if there is another targeted practice that you think would be beneficial.  Information about practices will be sent out via email and WhatsApp and all ringers whose home tower is one of our affiliated towers  are welcome to sign up to request a place at practices relevant to them wherever they are held (and also to sign up to come and help at other practices where you can please!) 

"Thanks for everything, You have no idea what a difference you have made to my enjoyment of bell ringing. Thank you."




STARS Basic Skills Practice

This practice focuses on developing your basic bell handling skills, improving your control of the bell, practising how to change speed, ringing a bell up and down, etc. This practice is an ideal follow on from our Basic Skills course and covers the skills needed for Learning the Ropes Level 2.

We do not teach bell handling during this practice, so to attend this practice ringers should be able to safely handle a bell confidently and independently and be starting to ring in rounds with others. You will ideally have completed Learning the Ropes Level 1.   If you are not at this stage yet, please speak to your bell-handling teacher or contact us about bell handling lessons. 

"Just thank you to everyone for helping me and other learners progress"



STARS Plain Hunt Practice 

This practice focuses on practising  plain hunt, trebling to a method, covering, rope sight, counting your place, changing speed, listening & striking etc. To attend this practice ringers should already have learnt the basics of Plain Hunting on at least 4 bells and now want more practice to embed what they have learnt. This practice is an ideal follow on from our Plain Hunt course and covers some of the skills needed for Learning the Ropes Level 3.

"Everyone said how wonderful the practice had been & how they really appreciated all the help & guidance the three of you gave . Thankyou so much for all the good work you’re doing."



STARS Plain Bob Doubles Practice

This practice focuses on ringing  plain courses and touches of Plain Bob Doubles and is an ideal follow on from our Plain Bob Doubles course.

To attend this practice ringers should be able to confidently ring plain hunt from any bell and  be able to treble/cover to touches of plain methods. Ringers at this practice have already learnt the basics of ringing a plain course of Plain Bob Doubles and now need more practice to embed what they have learnt and move on to ringing touches. (If you are not at this level we suggest you attend our Plain Bob Doubles course first.)

This practice covers most of the skills needed for Learning the Ropes Levels 4 & 5.

"Thank you Monica for your help, advice & guidance. Feel I am getting there!"


"Hi Monica, Thank you so much for all your - and Stuarts' work this afternoon. It was a great practice, and I think we all gained so much confidence from your tuition."



STARS Ringing Up and Down in Peal Practice

This targeted practice focuses on ringing up and down in peal  and is an ideal follow on from our  Ringing Up and Down in Peal course.

To attend this practice ringers should be able to confidently ring their bell up and down independently and be able to control the speed at which they raise and lower their bell.  They should also know how to chime their bell.

Learners attending this targeted practice need to  have a reasonable understanding of the basics of ringing up and down in peal already  - this targeted practice is designed to allow ringers to practice this skill with a solid band around them and we won't have time to teach this skill from scratch during the practice.  If you are not at this level yet,  we strongly suggest you consider attending our Ringing Up and Down in Peal course first before attending a targeted practice.

"Thank you for yesterday evening's practice - it was excellent."


"These practices and courses make such a huge difference. The time and effort that everyone makes is greatly appreciated "



STARS Advanced Practice/Quarter Peal Attempts

In addition to the targeted practices listed above we are hosting quarter peal attempts on some Sunday afternoons at St Anne's, which also doubles as ringing for the 4:30pm service.   We are also arranging quarter peal attempts at some of our affiliated towers. (This will replace the Advanced Practices  held previously.)

We find that the prolonged period of practice that a QP offers really helps to embed a new method.  They are called attempts for a reason, if we don't complete it the first time we can try again!

The quarter peal attempts will focus on Treble Bob methods such as Kent, Surprise methods such as Cambridge, Yorkshire, Superlative, Principles such as Stedman and ringing plain methods of Major and Caters/Royal. These attempts are aimed at ringers from our affiliated towers who have already completed Learning the Ropes Level 5 and are wanting to develop their method ringing further, but don't have the opportunity to do this in their own tower.

If you are interested in attempting a QP for your own development or being part of a QP band to support others, please get in touch.

"Thank you so much for organising my first quarter peal of Cambridge and Ellis for your excellent correcting while conducting"


"Thanks for organising a good practice Monica, Really enjoyed it."


"Time flies when having fun! Very enjoyable. Honestly thought we’d been going goat about 20 mins! Thanks as ever for help and encouragement."



Individual Practice

Our Saxilby Simulator "Edwin" is  also available for ringers to book for 1 hour sessions at a mutually convenient time. This will allow you to practice methods you are learning with the perfect Abel band, focus on your listening and striking skills etc.  If you are interested in arranging a session on Edwin please get in touch




When visiting a tower away from your "home" tower, the standard convention is for the visitor to leave a small donation and we hope that attendees at the practices that STARS arranges will follow this convention too.  This enables us to cover the costs of running the school and to make a  donation to the host Church towards the  maintenance of the bells we are using and use of their facilities. Please contact us for more information.


For quarter peal attempts the usual arrangements are a £1 donation per rope to the host tower and (if successful) a £1 donation per ringer when we publish the the quarter peal in the Ringing World.

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