Targeted Practices Q2 2024

STARS Basic Skills/Plain Hunt Practice

We do not teach bell handling during this practice, so to attend this practice ringers should be able to safely handle a bell confidently and independently and be starting to ring in rounds with others. You will ideally have completed Learning the Ropes Level 1.   If you are not at this stage yet, please speak to your bell-handling teacher or contact us about bell handling lessons. This course is ideal follow on from our Basic Skills or Plain Hunt course.

We practice every second Friday of the month at St Anne's Parish Church  from 7pm-8:30pm, where we focus entirely on practising basic skills such as:

  • improving your control of the bell
  • learning how to change the speed of your bell
  • ringing rounds and calls
  • ringing plain hunt
  • trebling to a method
  • covering to a method
  • developing rope sight
  • counting your place
  • improving your listening & striking skills

These are all skills you need to master to be able complete Levels 2 & 3 of the Learning the Ropes scheme. All welcome.

In addition if you would like to practice an individual skill (eg ringing a bell up and down or standing 10 times) please contact us as we are happy to provide additional time and support to do this from 6:30-7pm immediately before this practice if we are available.


Targeted Practices

We are intending holding the following targeted practices in Q2 2024:

  • Friday 12/04/2024 - 7-8:30pm - St Annes - Basic Skills/Plain Hunt - FULL
  • Sunday  14/04/2024 -  3-4:30pm-St Annes -  Advanced 
  • Friday 10/05/2024 - 7-8:30pm - St Annes - Basic Skills/Plain Hunt - FULL
  • Sunday  19/05/2024  - 3-4:30pm -St Annes -  Advanced 
  • Monday 03/06/2024  - 7:30-9pm - Bilsborrow  - Ringing Up & Down in Peal - FULL
  • Friday 14/06/2024 - 7-8:30pm - St Annes - Basic Skills/Plain Hunt
  • Wednesday 19/06/2024  - 7:00-9pm - Goosnargh - Plain Bob Doubles  - FULL
  • Sunday  23/06/2024 -  3-4:30pm -St Annes -  Advanced  - this is now a QP attempt, all ropes allocated


Please read the description/aim of the practices and click the red button to access the form to indicate your intention to attend any practices you are interested in.


Please Note

We usually limit learner places at most practices to no more than 6, so that everyone gets lots of rope time, so you must let us know in advance if you are intending to attend so we can confirm we have space.  (Priority is given to learners from affiliated towers and we will let you know if the practice is already fully subscribed. )

Conversely, practices will only go ahead if there are enough attendees to make it viable and we will let you know in advance if the practice is cancelled for any reason.

All Q2 practices are now fully subscribed.

The next round of practices will be in Sep-Nov 2024.

Details will be published in due course.


When visiting a tower away from your "home" tower, the standard convention is for the visitor to leave a small donation and we hope that attendees at the practices that STARS arranges will follow this convention too.  This enables us to cover the costs of running the school and to make a  donation to the host Church towards the  maintenance of the bells we are using and use of their facilities. Please contact us for more information.

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